Daily Reflections

Everything We Need

January 11, 2022 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

He has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature. —2 Peter 1:4

When an organization receives a grant from a foundation, they are given the resources they need to accomplish their purpose—and they don’t have to pay it back.

In 2 Peter, the apostle says that God has given you a grant greater than any you could receive from a foundation here on earth. He has granted you “his divine power” (v. 3). He has given you “all things that pertain to life and godliness” (v. 3). He has gifted you “his precious and very great promises” (v. 4).

God has provided all you need to live the Christian life. Everything you require for salvation, sanctification, and every step of the journey is yours no matter what your season of life, struggle, physical condition, or financial stresses.

No matter what your story, God has provided everything you need to make it successfully from here to heaven. And it’s all yours through the knowledge of Christ.

Make it Personal

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by all there is to do and be in the Christian life? How does 2 Peter 1 change that perspective?