Daily Reflections

Beautiful Feet

December 2, 2020 Trillia Newbell

How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news. —Isaiah 52:7

Paul was a man with beautiful feet. He proclaimed Christ to the masses, enduring persecution along the way but never altering his message. In 2 Corinthians 4, he reminds us that our ministry is to proclaim Christ, too.

Under the circumstances that Paul faced, it would have been easy for him to waver, to skip the hard parts of the Word. But he didn’t. Instead, Paul reminds us not to lose heart (4:1). The good news is that the source of our strength and the One we proclaim is the same: Christ.

For many of us today, we face a similar challenge to those in the first century—our biggest hurdle will be fighting the fear of man. We must say with confidence that we’re not ashamed of the gospel and then proclaim the truth.

Christ can make you a beacon of light so that the light that has shone in your heart will be poured out onto those who listen. We want to have feet made beautiful by bringing the Good News.

Make it Personal

What hinders you from sharing the gospel with those around you? How can you overcome those obstacles?