Daily Reflections

At Jesus’ Feet

avril 21, 2024 Betsy Gómez

Mary . . . sat at the Lord’s feet and was listening to what he said. —Luke 10:39

On this side of glory, we tend to think being at Jesus’ feet is super-spiritual—as if we need to sense or experience something supernatural.

We think that it’s a time of absolute quietness and tears wetting our Bibles. So, because we define it that way, it’s easy for us to withdraw. And what do we do? We run to distractions.

But pay attention to Luke 10:39. “Mary . . . sat at the Lord’s feet and was listening to what he said.” You don’t read, “And then she felt like fireworks were . . .” No. She was listening to Jesus’ teaching.

How do we make Jesus and His Word our priority? No matter the stage of life or the circumstances that we are in right now, we are all invited to come to Jesus and listen to His Word.

Instead of being preoccupied with much serving or doing like Martha, come to Jesus like Mary, and be fed by His Word.


The Truth About Priorities” (message, True Woman ’18)

Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations have been taken from the Christian Standard Bible ®. Copyright © 2017 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Christian Standard Bible ® and CSB ® are federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers.

Make it Personal

Are you preoccupied with “many things” today? How can you lay them down and take time to listen to Jesus?