Daily Reflections

A Wedding Worth Waiting For

June 11, 2022 Aylín Merck

“Blessed are those invited to the marriage feast of the Lamb!” —Revelation 19:9

When I was young, like most girls I wondered what my love story would be like. I lived for the day when I would get married. Every wedding I attended fueled my imagination. Yet sometimes I wondered if life would be boring after that day. What else would there be to wait for? Nothing seemed to be as exciting as finding the man of my dreams.

The truth is that the entire story of the world is headed toward a wedding. But unlike my self-centeredness, that wedding will not be about me or about my own happiness. (Perhaps because of that, I will be even happier than ever!)

The Scripture calls this wedding “the marriage feast of the Lamb.” In that day, our eyes won’t focus on the splendor of the Bride (although she will look magnificent!). The Lamb will be the center of the party. The glory of the Bridegroom will take our breath away, and we won’t be able to get over the fact that we are His. Now that’s certainly something worth waiting for!

Make it Personal

Pray that God would cause your heart to long more and more each day for the “marriage feast of the Lamb.”