Words of Hope for the Wounded and Weary

Every day I encounter or read the stories of women who are wounded and weary. Perhaps you are one of them. Some of you have walked down long, hard paths. Some are still in the trenches. And some are finally resting on the long-awaited mountaintop.

To each of you, with different stories and in various seasons, I offer a word of hope. I know my words will not lift any burdens or remove any pain, but I pray they will turn your gaze heavenward and point you to Jesus who can help and will.

Dear Tired One,

You’re worn to a frazzle and are bleary-eyed. It’s been another sleepless night, another sick child, another looming deadline. You feel like you’re sinking in a bottomless pit or being sucked under by a rip current. Don’t fight it; rest in Jesus. Hang in there, sweet friend. You are loved, and your life matters to God and for His kingdom purposes (Ps. 88; Matt. 11:28–29).

Dear Restless One,

You’re wondering if this is all there is. You long to do great and noble things for the Lord, to go places and accomplish much . . . but all you see is a stack of papers, a pile of laundry, or dirty diaper after dirty diaper. This season is hard and long, but it isn’t pointless. Trust in Him. God is making a far greater impact through you than you can imagine. Hang in there, sweet friend. You are loved, and your life matters to God and for His kingdom purposes (Ps. 62; John 15:5–11).

Dear Anxious One,

You’re overwhelmed and afraid from all the unknowns and uncertainties in life. You hold your grandchild in your lap, fearful of what the future holds for this little one. You strive to find the best parenting methods, the best diet, the best education for your child, and wonder if it’ll all be enough. You walk out of an interview hanging your head, calculating how much longer you can live off ramen noodles. There may not be any answers in sight, but God is not limited by your lack of resources. Hang in there, sweet friend. You are loved, and your life matters to God and for His kingdom purposes (Isa. 41:10; Matt. 6:25–34).

Dear Grieving One,

You’re hurting and reeling from pain. Nothing makes sense, and God seems so far away. Where is God right now, you ask. Doesn’t He see? There may be dark clouds shrouding your view, but the Son is still there! He will not turn a blind eye to your tears. He does see, and He does care. Hang in there, sweet friend. You are loved, and your life matters to God and for His kingdom purposes (Ps. 42; 2 Cor. 1:3–5).

Dear Angry One,

You’ve had enough. It feels like life is against you. God is either unkind or has a cruel sense of humor. When will the madness end? The Lord doesn't expect you to hide your emotions or pretend they don’t exist. But neither does He want you to be controlled by them. So release your anger, and pour out your heart to Him—even through the ugly tears. Hang in there, sweet friend. You are loved, and your life matters to God and for His kingdom purposes (Job 30:16–23; 1 Peter 5:6–11).

Dear Ashamed One,

You’re guilt-stricken and discouraged. I see your eyes filled with hot, bitter tears, the look of shame from harsh words recklessly unleashed. You feel remorse over your failures but don’t see an end to the vicious cycle. Take heart. There is a God of love who heals and forgives and empowers. Jesus isn’t ashamed of you. Hang in there, sweet friend. You are loved, and your life matters to God and for His kingdom purposes (Ps. 31:1–5; Ps. 130, Rom. 8:1–2).

Dear Doubting One,

You’re questioning God’s goodness or perhaps His existence. You’ve seen Him work before and have felt His grace in the past, but where is He now? You plea for mercy and desperately hunt for any promise to hold on to, but the words sound hollow. Oh, hang in there, sweet friend! God is real and is greater than your doubts. You are loved, and your life matters to God and for His kingdom purposes (Ps. 77; 2 Cor. 4:7–18).

Dear Lonely One,

You’re feeling isolated and overlooked. The road is steep and the horizon dim. There’s no time for coffee with a friend, no budget for a babysitter, no spouse by your side. You may feel alone, but you are not forgotten. Jesus sees, and He promises to be with you. Hang in there, sweet friend. You are loved, and your life matters to God and for His kingdom purposes (Ps. 25; Ps. 139; Rom. 8:31–39).

Dear Perfect One,

Yes, you. Looking over your shoulder to see whom I’m talking to? You may not feel it, but the reality is that as a daughter of the King this is who you really are. You are not identified by your faults, your flukes, or your fears. Your identity is found only in Christ. You are loved, and your life matters to God and for His kingdom purposes.

No, you are not actually sinless. Instead, Christ lived that perfect life for you, making you righteous in Him (1 Peter 2:21–25). No, you are not self-sufficient, but Christ’s blood shed for you is sufficient, making you whole in Him (Eph. 1:7–8). No, you are not enough in your own strength, but Christ is (Col. 1:15–20), declaring you alive and forgiven in Him (Col. 2:13–15)!

Because of Christ’s work on the cross, you can rest in the promise that He will always be enough.

  • When you’re restless and discouraged, Jesus is enough.
  • When you’re tired and weary, Jesus is enough.
  • When you’re overwhelmed and afraid, Jesus is enough.
  • When you’re grieving and hurting, Jesus is enough.
  • When you’re angry and frustrated, Jesus is enough.
  • When you’re ashamed and remorseful, Jesus is enough.
  • When you’re doubtful and cynical, Jesus is enough.
  • When you’re lonely and depressed, Jesus is enough.
  • When your troubles consume you, when your emotions control you, when you question your worth and purpose in life . . . Jesus is enough!

Dear friends, know that Jesus is for you! He sits at the right hand of the Father interceding for you right now. So tell Him what’s on your heart, and thank Him for lavishing His sufficient grace over you.

Father, I thank You for carefully fashioning every woman reading this. Thank you for being patient with our failures and for loving us even when we question You. I’m so grateful that You comfort and sustain us when we’re racked with grief and despair. We praise You, Holy God, for being an all-sufficient Savior. You hear us and will never forsake us. Your love will never let us go. And Jesus, we hold on in faith to these promises of hope and life in Your name! Amen.

About the Author

Leanna Shepard

Leanna Shepard

Leanna Shepard worked on staff with Revive Our Hearts from 2014 to 2019. She loves a cup of hot tea with a good book, experimenting in the kitchen with a new recipe, and cheering for the St. Louis Cardinals.

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