Soaking It Up

We will . . . Be women of the Word, seeking to grow in our knowledge of Scripture and to live in accord with sound doctrine in every area of our lives.
--Commitment # 3, the True Woman Manifesto

Have you ever seen a sponge fall into a sink full of water? Immediately it absorbs as much water as it can hold. Its dry, shriveled appearance is transformed into a fully saturated kitchen tool. Think of your mind as a dry sponge, and devise a plan for absorbing as much of the Word as it will hold! (Warning: This plan will not work if you have good “intentions,” but neglect to “be intentional” in applying yourself to the task.) Start being intentional by plugging it into a slot in your daily planner–or set your phone alarm–anything that will help hold you accountable to your commitment to start absorbing the Word.

Several years ago I made a commitment to God that I would meet with Him daily. Nothing has affected my spiritual growth more. My promise to Him kept me going on days when I was tempted to let my devotions slide. Now, my devotional time is more regular than my eating schedule!

If reading the Word regularly is not the norm for you, I recommend starting out with a helpful tool like a devotional, a workbook study, or a book that focuses on a specific biblical topic. Don't just read, but look up the Scriptures that are referred to, and then write down your thoughts. Record questions that come to mind and use them for future study.

There are many good reading plans that allow you to read through the Bible in a year--I recommend one that gives a daily sampling from both the Old and New Testaments.

Reading the Bible is the starting place, but for greater understanding, you need to actually study the Word. A good commentary and a study Bible with notes of explanation are very helpful. Watch the blog next week for a list of helpful study tools.

Devotionals and study tools are great, but they won't help when left on the shelf. If you want to make the commitment to get serious about growing in the Word of God, I suggest checking out Nancy’s “Getting Into the Word and Getting the Word Into You,” and her book, A Place of Quiet Rest.

Psalm 119:89-105 describes things about God's Word that the Psalmist appreciates. Let us know what you appreciate about the Word. How has it affected your life? Are you ready to soak it up? (Leave a comment below, and on Monday afternoon, January 26, we'll choose two of you to receive Nancy's book, A Place of Quiet Rest!)



About the Author

Kimberly Wagner

Kimberly Wagner is the author of Fierce Women: The Power of a Soft Warrior and is a frequent guest on Revive Our Hearts radio program, as well as a regular contributor to the blog. Kimberly's passion is Christ and she … read more …

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