Reminders for the Weary, the Would-Be Adulteress, and the Childless

Billy Graham’s Funeral to be Streamed Live Online Friday, March 2

Today, beginning at noon (EST), Billy Graham’s funeral service will be broadcasted to the world. “As millions are expected to watch the funeral service for ‘God’s Ambassador,’ the man himself would’ve wanted only one thing: for the Gospel to be spread. His life’s work will continue as the love and hope of Jesus Christ is shared.” As you watch the livestream, ask God to do a mighty work in the lives of viewers, to draw millions to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.


You Need to End That Friendship

Dear friend, it started off slowly, as a friendship with a few conversations, then texts, and a phone call or two. “I know you’ve said that the mere thought of adultery is repulsive to you, and that you could never see yourself taking that path. But it is my hope and prayer that you see the truth: you are already on the path.” Read Kim Cash Tate’s letter to a would-be adulteress.


Five Reminders for the Stressed, Weary, Busy, and Burdened Soul

Do you ever feel like there isn’t enough of you to go around—and no matter how hard you try, you seem to always come up short? Sarah Walton knows firsthand how life can leave us feeling desperately depleted. “We often try to be enough when Christ never asked us to be. We try to carry burdens He never asked us to carry. So let’s put all of our burdens aside and remind ourselves today of these five truths.” Read this post.


The Ascendancy of Astrology

If you’re drawn toward Target’s Dollar Spot as often as I am, you may have noticed a startling trend: a kids’ section devoted to Zodiac symbols. After a recent shopping trip, Aimee Joseph found herself thinking about how “well-intended people could easily purchase a cute item and even wear it proudly without having any idea the glacial belief systems under the surface.” How should Christians respond to the slow infiltration of astrology into our culture? Read this post.


Womanhood Series: What's the Highest Calling for the Childless?

When Chelsea Patterson Sobolik found out she was unable to have children, she “tore apart Scripture looking for assurance that this trial didn’t define [her] womanhood.” In her search, she discovered where Christian women are to find their identities. “Whether you’re childless or know someone who is,” Chelsea explains why “it is important that we reshape how we view our femininity and biblical womanhood. Femininity isn’t fluffy and child-centered, but a fierce and glorious calling from the Lord.” Read this post.

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About the Author

Katie Laitkep

Katie Laitkep

Katie Laitkep was working as a hospital teacher when God called her to join Revive Our Hearts as a staff writer. She serves remotely from Houston, Texas, where God sustains her through saltwater beaches, Scripture, and her local church. Katie's … read more …

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