CSB Bible Project January 2022 Update

Dear Friend,

Thank you for your prayers for the Bible Project.

After two years of journaling her way through the Old Testament and two years in the New Testament, Nancy is currently in the book of 1 Thessalonians. In a recent social media update, she shared some thoughts about her experience with Bible journaling:

“This is the place where I am most happy, most safe, most at rest. This is where I repent and where I rejoice. This is where I find help and hope for living in a broken world. This is where I am changed from the inside out. This is where I meet the One whose I am and whom I serve. This is where He fills my heart and mouth with good things to share with other needy pilgrims.”

As Nancy continues journaling, the Lifeway Bibles team is mining and editing content from her existing journals and teaching notes to include in the devotional study Bible they are producing with Nancy.

We thought you’d enjoy getting a sneak peek at a snippet of the content they've been working on. Everything is still very much in draft form, but here’s a preview of Nancy’s notes on Luke 1:39–56 (the passage that describes Mary’s visit to Elizabeth after Mary learned she would be the mother of the Messiah):

The young woman from Galilee seeks out the elderly woman some eighty miles away in the hill country of Judea. Though their life stages have little in common, they are drawn together by God’s intervention in their lives and their faith in His Word. The Holy Spirit has come upon these two women who have surrendered themselves to His divine initiative and purposes, and they are given a front row seat to see the old covenant drawing to a close and the new era of grace dawning.

Their hearts unite in the hope of the gospel and they lift their voices together in praise. They encourage and bless each other and stir up faith and joy in one another as they celebrate the Story God is writing in their lives and in our world. Their lives bear testimony to the covenant-keeping mercy of God being poured out on His people. They take their place in a long, unbroken line of those who believe God, take Him at His Word, and wait patiently for the fulfillment of His promises. And they are not disappointed. They are satisfied with good things from His rich store of grace.

As Nancy and the Lifeway editorial team work together on this project, join us in praying for these requests:

  • Pray for Nancy:
    • That her heart will remain tender and responsive to His Word as she continues journaling through the New Testament over the next few months
    • That the Spirit will give her understanding as she meditates on the Scripture
    • That she will have wisdom as she reviews the entries being sent to her by the Lifeway team
  • Pray for the Lifeway team:
    • For Dave Stabnow, Melissa Fuller, and Lawrence Kimbrough as they glean from Nancy’s content to come up with notes for the Bible
    • For continued development of the processes and rhythm as they collaborate with Nancy
    • For direction regarding what to title the Bible

Lifeway Team

Thank you for continuing to partner with us in prayer for this special project. Be sure to check back for additional updates, prayer points, and encouragement to treasure God’s Word in your own life.


Revive Our Hearts and Lifeway Bibles teams

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