Desperate for God

This post was written by True Woman ’12 attendee Rebecca Colucci.

Desperate for God? How can I, the mother of two toddlers and a high school senior, the caretaker to my live-in mom, and the wife of a very busy husband, have room in my life to be desperate for God? On any given day I am more desperate for goodwill among my kids, light-heartedness, quietness, long-suffering, pleasantness, and good attitudes and behaviors. But this was my big takeaway from True Women '12. 

As I glance back over the list of challenges in my life, it has become obvious that my trials are what make me hunger for God’s Spirit and presence. As a result, I have begun to see my difficulties as gifts directly from God. These are the tools God uses to make me hunger for more of Him. My desperation for Him is growing . . .

I have adopted for myself the goal of being a “desperate housewife” for Jesus. It captures the picture of an otherwise overwhelmed homemaker who badly needs God’s presence in her busy life.

I am amazed at how God has already started to answer my prayers from the conference. At True Woman '12, there were circles on the floor called “revival circles”—attendees were encouraged to step inside and ask God to begin a new move of His presence in their lives. As a result, I was inspired to create my own “revival circle” on the floor of my walk-in closet where I often meet God for worship and prayer, to get dressed, or—ahem—to hide from the kids.

This circle is already serving as a vivid reminder of my desperate need to cry out for revival in my life, family, city, and nation. I am learning to be desperate for Him. This revelation has made me grateful for how He conforms me to His image through motherhood, my marriage, and caring for my mom, and has really whet my appetite for more of His grace and mercy.

Would you consider saying a prayer, jotting one down in your journal, or making your own “revival circle” somewhere in your home imploring God to make you “desperate” for your own good and His kingdom? In no time, you too will be seeing how your circumstances are being used by God to call you to experience a bigger move of His power and presence in your life.

Don’t believe the lie that challenges, trials, and brokenness are things to shy away from. You will miss the greatest treasure, a more intimate and rich relationship with God, if you shrink back and fail to press into what God wants to do in this season of your life.

Oh taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him. (Ps. 34:8)

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