
Nancy: Well, Mary, as we come to the halfway point of this study, the fifth element out of ten that we're looking at in the series, we come to another word that is, again, kind of antiquated. You don't hear it very often today. It's the word "virtue," and it builds on these others that we've been looking at: discernment, honor or reverence, affection, discipline or self-control, and now this word virtue.

Before we unpack what that is, (a true woman who is pure is the word in Titus chapter 2), I just want to remind us that everything that a woman is called to be here (a follower of Christ) is counter-cultural to the way the world is going.

Mary Kassian: Yes. And it was so counter-cultural also to the world at that time because in Crete, at that time, there was so much immorality—sexual immorality—and there was all types of evil.

Nancy: Paul describes that in Titus with some pretty graphic terminology. He says in chapter 1:

To the defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure; but both their minds and their consciences are defiled. They profess to know God, but they deny Him by their works. They are detestable, disobedient, unfit for any good work (vv. 15–16).

And then in chapter 3 he says these people who don't know Christ are "slaves to various passions and pleasures" (v. 3)

Mary: Right.

Nancy: So you have the portrait of the world in his day, which is so similar to …