
Nancy: We have some new guests with us this week, and I want to introduce them to you. To Mary’s left is my friend, Kim Wagner. She’s a pastor’s wife, a mom, a grandmom. Kim, we are so glad to have you on our set this time—our Table Talk.

And then in the middle, Karen Loritts, married to Crawford Loritts. He’s a pastor and a broadcaster and an author. Karen and Crawford have been my friends for many years, and we’re glad to have you with us. Karen is also a mom and a grandmom. How many grandchildren now, Karen?

Karen Loritts: Eight grandchildren. They’re growing.

Nancy: Wow! Bless you! And we are so glad you are able to join us. And then to my right, Carolyn McCulley. Carolyn is a filmmaker. She makes . . . what do you call those?

Carolyn McCulley: Documentaries.

Nancy: Documentaries, a certain kind that have social causes. You have a real heart for people for issues that need to be surfaced and people need to get greater understanding of. We’ve been friends for a long time, and that’s what this True Woman Table Talk is. It’s Mary and me getting to talk with some of our friends. So this is a lot of fun for us, and I’m glad that as we are talking about guys today that we have some different seasons of life represented. We have moms, grandmoms, single women. Mary, you have all sons.

Mary Kassian: All sons. Grown. …