
Erin Davis: Welcome back to the Women of the Bible podcast. This is season one, all about Elizabeth. We find Elizabeth’s story in just one chapter of the Bible in Luke 1. As we’ve been talking, I feel like Elizabeth has a lot to teach us about dealing with disappointment.

So you’re joining us in the Revive Our Hearts living room. We are woman who are walking through this Bible study just like you have or just like you are going to do. Bible studies are always better with friends.

So I hope that you have walked through Elizabeth with friends. I hope that you have read session six or are getting ready to read session six. Session six is all about singing.

If you were in my living room on my sheep farm getting ready to do Elizabeth, I would have a question to ask you to just get the conversation started. My question is, What is something that you’ve tried really hard to like, but just don’t? Tell us your name and tell us your thing.

I’m Erin Davis. You aren’t going to like this. We’re going to get hateful emails. But mine is the Rocky movies. My husband loves the Rocky movies. My boys love the Rocky movies. But I don’t get it. I don’t get why there are so many of them. I feel sad about the movies. I don’t like the fights in the movies. I’ve tried. I’ve watched them, and I’ve tried.

Alejandra Slemin: …
