Claire Black: This is True Girl, a podcast for girls and their moms. Together, we’ll explore God’s truth for us one track at a time.
Dannah Gresh and Staci Rudolph are on their way home from one crazy trip in the True Girl tour bus. They’re ready to get back, but they’re still having good conversations and listening to the best playlist ever!
This is episode seven, and it’s the last one in this season. I can’t believe it. We’re calling it, “How to spark crazy revival!” Here’s Staci!
Staci Rudolph: Hey, I can see Mount Nittany. We’re almost back!
Dannah Gresh: We sure are. It seems like we just left the other day.
Staci: I know, right. Time flies when you’re having fun.
Dannah: It sure does.
Staci: That wasn’t just any road trip, ya know. That was an encouraging one . . . so many good conversations. …
Claire Black: This is True Girl, a podcast for girls and their moms. Together, we’ll explore God’s truth for us one track at a time.
Dannah Gresh and Staci Rudolph are on their way home from one crazy trip in the True Girl tour bus. They’re ready to get back, but they’re still having good conversations and listening to the best playlist ever!
This is episode seven, and it’s the last one in this season. I can’t believe it. We’re calling it, “How to spark crazy revival!” Here’s Staci!
Staci Rudolph: Hey, I can see Mount Nittany. We’re almost back!
Dannah Gresh: We sure are. It seems like we just left the other day.
Staci: I know, right. Time flies when you’re having fun.
Dannah: It sure does.
Staci: That wasn’t just any road trip, ya know. That was an encouraging one . . . so many good conversations.
Dannah: I told ya. It’s something about the open road that sparks great discussion and connection. And that playlist, Staci, was superb! Way to go, DJ!
Staci: Thanks. I have to say, I had pretty good material to work with.
Dannah: Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling pumped to get back to work on my True Girl projects. I’ve got another Bible study to write on the book of Esther, and also some True Girl mom+daughter dates to write for the subscription box. I’m here for it!
Staci: Me, too.
That road trip refreshed me. It’s like my spirit experienced a revival.
Staci: Hmm, same here.
Dannah: You know, Staci, there’s a recipe for revival, and I think we cooked it up on this road trip.
Staci: Really? What would you say are the key ingredients for revival?
Dannah: Well, I would say you need a heaping serving of humility. You have to prepare your heart to hear and receive anything God would like to speak to you. That humility is also necessary for us to submit to any kind of changes God wants to make in our hearts.
Staci: Absolutely.
Dannah: Now, next, you need a healthy portion of God’s Word. This is where we receive truth that will lead us to do those changes inside of our hearts. When we read the Bible, God instructs us and gives us new ways of living and new ways of interacting with the world. It’s far different from our natural way of doing things.
Staci: I’d say so.
Dannah: And the final ingredient is a mondo scoop of the Holy Spirit.
Staci: Amen.
Dannah: He’s the one who helps us humble ourselves before the Lord to be changed. He helps us understand God’s Word so we know what steps He’d like us to take in order to bring that renewal.
When you mix all of that together, you could get a good dish of revival.
Staci: Sounds delicious!
Dannah: It sure is. Do you know what the best part is, Staci?
Staci: What?
Dannah: We can make that recipe at any stage in our life, at any age of our lives. We’re never too young or too old. We’re never in too bad of a position to stop, humble ourselves, and rely on God’s Spirit and His Word.
You know, 1 Timothy 4:12 says,
Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity.
See? No age limit whatsoever.
And remember, Staci, revival always starts with each of us as individuals.
Staci: Yes.
Dannah: You know, when we allow the Lord to change and revive us, we’ll be in the perfect position for others to see the work He’s doing in and through us, and there’s no greater example than that.
Staci: You know, praying Psalm 139:23–24 is a great way to start personal revival. I read it all the time. It says,
Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
Point out anything in me that offends you,
and lead me along the path of everlasting life.
You know, that passage always reminds me that God loves to help me follow Him. He’s happy when I come to Him humbly and ask for His help in identifying the things that are keeping me from personal revival. All I have to do is plant myself right at His feet and ask for help.
Dannah: Amen. So, you know, as our road trip comes to an end, remember True Girl, you can spark revival in your generation. Stay close to Jesus and stay focused on Him, and you are sure to change the world!
Well, DJ Staci, there’s one song from the album that’s a perfect ending for our trip. And you know which one I’m talking about?
Staci: Ahhhh, say no more.
Here’s “Revival Song” featuring Rebecca St. Jamesfrom the True Girl Crazy for Jesus album. Until next time True Girl.
Song: Revival Song
We want revival,
We want Your Spirit.
God, You are moving,
So we wanna listen.We want Your presence,
To know You better.
You lead and we’ll follow,
We hear You speaking.We want more of You,
Your love in all we do,
We lift Your name.We want the world to see
Your Spirit moving.
We will sing
Of all You're doing.
We will sing.
This “Revival Song”
Forever and always.
Humbled before You,
Oh God search our hearts.
Test every anxious thought,
Lead us on the path of life.We want more of You,
Your love in all we do,
We lift Your name.Want the world to see
Your Spirit moving.
We will sing
Of all You're doing.
We will sing.
This “Revival Song”
Forever and always.Search us and know our hearts.
We’re running into Your arms,
Aware of Your glory.
We wanna be holy,
Lead us to where You are.Want the world to see
Your Spirit moving.
We will sing
Of all You're doing.
We will sing.
This “Revival Song.”
Forever and always.
This “Revival Song”
Forever and always,
Forever and always.
Claire: I hope you enjoyed this season of the True Girl podcast. From rollercoasters, to royalty, to crazy people, we covered it all. I hope you're ready to be crazy for Jesus!
If you enjoyed the road trip playlist, be sure to check out the True GirlCrazy for Jesus album. Tell me where you can get it? That’s right—at Remember, right now the only places you can get the music is on our website or the True Girl Crazy Hair tour.
Visit to find out if we’re coming to a city near you in the next few months.
And, I’ll see you in the next season of the True Girl podcast! Be watching for it. I wonder what crazy thing Dannah and Staci are going to do next?
The True Girl podcast is produced by Revive Our Hearts calling women of all ages to freedom, fullness, and fruitfulness in Christ!
“Revival Song” lyrics and music by Carmen Hadley and David Thulin.
*Offers available only during the broadcast of the podcast season.