Claire Black: This is True Girl, a podcast for girls and their moms. Together, we’ll explore God’s truth for us one track at a time.
We’re still on the road with Dannah Gresh and Staci Rudolph.
Staci’s spinning some tunes straight up from the new True GirlCrazy for Jesus tour album.
As the name implies, we’re learning about being crazy for Jesus! We’re supposed to stand out from the unbelieving world around us and stand up for what is true. We’ll learn how to do it, tune by tune.
Here’s episode four of season eleven. It’s called, “How Crazy Cool Is It to Be a Girl?”
Here’s Dannah.
Dannah Gresh: I don’t know why this bus has so many mirrors! I feel like I’m looking at myself everywhere I turn.
Staci Rudolph: Why are you surprised by that? You’ve been on here too many times to count.
Dannah: …
Claire Black: This is True Girl, a podcast for girls and their moms. Together, we’ll explore God’s truth for us one track at a time.
We’re still on the road with Dannah Gresh and Staci Rudolph.
Staci’s spinning some tunes straight up from the new True GirlCrazy for Jesus tour album.
As the name implies, we’re learning about being crazy for Jesus! We’re supposed to stand out from the unbelieving world around us and stand up for what is true. We’ll learn how to do it, tune by tune.
Here’s episode four of season eleven. It’s called, “How Crazy Cool Is It to Be a Girl?”
Here’s Dannah.
Dannah Gresh: I don’t know why this bus has so many mirrors! I feel like I’m looking at myself everywhere I turn.
Staci Rudolph: Why are you surprised by that? You’ve been on here too many times to count.
Dannah: I know, but it’s never bothered me before. I keep scaring myself. I guess I’m a little jumpy today. It’s probably that mystery movie you had us watch in the back lounge last night. I feel like there’s someone waiting around every corner.
Staci: Okay, one, that movie wasn’t scary at all! Dannah, you jumped at a friendly bull dog in a junkyard. It was a kid’s movie! And two, trust me Dannah, this bus is so small that if there were another person on here besides me, you, and Dave the bus driver, we’d know it.
Dannah: True.
Staci: You know, that mirror in front of you reminds me of show days. I’d be getting ready for the True Girl show right there, putting on stage makeup. I gotta say, although I love the shows, the makeup part was kind of rough at first for me. I’ve just never been that kind of girl, you know, the makeup wearing kind.
Dannah: Yeah, I understand. You’re more of a basketball girl than a ballgown girl for sure. I love that about you. Thanks for always being a good sport though. Stage makeup is important. It helps the audience see your facial features a lot better since they aren’t very close to you.
You know what?
Staci: What?
Dannah: You should let me DJ again today. I did okay last time, right? I think I’m a great DJ!
Staci: All DJs think they’re great; you did do a good job though.Is the song you’re thinking of from the new True Girl Crazy for Jesus album?
Dannah: You know it!
Staci: Well, let it play it then.
Dannah: (Dannah making record scratch noises) DJ Dannah on the scene!
Staci: Oh boy . . . just play the song please.
Dannah: Alright, here it is, “Great to Be a Girl” from the True Girl Crazy for Jesus album! For the record, this is my favorite song on the whole album.
Song: Great to Be a Girl
We can dance;
We play sports.
No one of us the same for sure.
Different colors,
Different shapes,
God made us all a perfect way.We know, we know
With God we can do anything.
We own, we own,
Own our originality.
We’re on the same team;
We’re all amazing.Let me hear you sing.
It’s great to be a girl;
United ‘round the world.
I know that we are in this together;
Voices loud we’re gonna sing this forever.
That it’s great to be a girl.
It’s great to be a girl.We don’t gossip;
We spread love.
Peace and joy is what we’re made of.
We’re the stars
In the night.
We were born to make the world bright.It’s great to be a girl;
United ’round the world.
I know that we are in this together;
Voices loud we’re gonna sing this forever.
That it’s great to be a girl.
It’s great to be a girl;United ’round the world.
I know that we are in this together;
Voices loud we’re gonna sing this forever.
That it’s great to be a girl.
It’s great to be a girl.Girls unite;
Let’s lean on each other.
And shine our light,
You and I,
Yeah, let’s make it louder.
A little bit louder.Girls united ’round the world.
I know that we are in this together;
Voices loud we’re gonna sing this forever.
That it’s great to be a girl.
Dannah: Wasn’t that good? It’s exactly what we were talking about. There are so many types of girls. No type is better than the other.
Staci: I agree. We’re on the same team. Let’s encourage one another, not compete, ya know?
Dannah: Yep, I know. When we start to play the comparison game, we set ourselves up to believe lies. We’ll say things like, “Well, since I don’t love wearing dresses like she does, I must not be a real girl,” or “If I don’t look awesome in—pick a color—I’m not like other girls,” or “If I like hunting with my dad, does that make me less of a girl?”
But the truth is that God made no mistake when He chose you to be female.
Staci: That’s right.
Dannah: And our gender has a very important purpose. Grab your Bible, Staci. Read Genesis 1:26–27 for me please.
Staci: You got it! Here it is:
Then God said, “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us. . . .” So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. (Gen. 1:26–27)
Wow, we were created in God’s “likeness.” That means we were created to make people remember and think about Him, because there are things about us that are like Him. How cool is that?
Dannah: It’s very cool!
I mean think about this: God could have chosen so many things about us that are god-like—our ability to use language, the fact that we’d figure out how to overcome gravity and fly to the moon, our creative abilities to write songs and paint pictures. These are all so god-like. But when He looked at us, He said it is your “maleness” and your “femaleness” that makes you very much in my image.
Staci: Wow!
Dannah: So being a boy or being a girl is so very much a big deal, and I think it’s great to be a girl! It’s important, whether you’re wearing a dress or super cool camo pants.
Staci: Or carrying a ball gown or a basketball. It’s pretty cool to be a girl, if you ask me.
Dannah: Yes, it sure is. And here’s another important reminder: being excited to be girls doesn’t mean we think we’re better than boys.
Staci: Amen. None of that “girls rule, boys drool” nonsense!
Dannah: Exactly. Boys represent God too and should be excited that God chose to make them male. Together, our two genders paint the complete picture of God.
Staci: They sure do! Even though I’d choose no makeup most days. I have to say that I eventually enjoyed getting ready for the True Girl live event. I love that I can be a tomboy sometimes and a ballgown girl others but still be 1,000% girl—it is great to be a girl!
Dannah: The song? Sure, I’ll play it again!
Staci: Whoa, whoa! Pump your breaks DJ!
Claire: It’s great to be a girl! Hopefully you feel the same way. Be the girl God made you to be, whether that includes ball gowns and tiaras, or basketballs and cool kicks. Either style can reflect Him.
To get your own copy of the new True GirlCrazy for Jesus album, go to When you do, we’ll send you the CD. Right now, we haven’t released it on Spotify or anything because, well, honestly, we have to pay for it before we do that. So, consider buying a CD. It’s got lyrics and Bible verses in the sleeve. Maybe even buy a stack of them to give out as gifts for friends. That’s at
And join us next time when we’ll talk about being crazy honest with God about our feelings.
The True Girl podcast is produced by Revive Our Hearts, calling women of all ages to freedom, fullness, and fruitfulness in Christ!
“Great to Be a Girl” lyrics and music by Carmen Hadley and David Thulin.
*Offers available only during the broadcast of the podcast season.