(Digging, huffing, and puffing)
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth: It’s not easy to break through hard ground.
“Hey! How’s it coming? Do you have a garden yet?”
“I can’t do this. The backyard is all clay and rocks!”
Nancy: It’s even more difficult to break through a hard heart.
“Well, are you coming to the Bible study?”
“Go without me. I’ve heard it all before.”
Nancy: But the Word of God has the power to soften the hardened soil of our hearts.
“Here, let me show you this one; you’ll appreciate it. It’s Jeremiah 23, and this is God talking.”
“'Is not my word . . . like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?' That’s cool.”
Nancy: The same Word that serves as a hammer to break us will then become a balm to heal our hearts. Have you let the Word of God soften your heart today?
Come and break me down,
Won’t you break me? 1
With Seeking Him, I’m Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.
1 "Break Me Down," Tenth Avenue North, Over and Underneath © 2008 Provident Label Group LLC (Sony BMG Music Entertainment).