Power of the Light
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth: It’s no secret that this world is constantly trying to extinguish the light of God’s Word. But light dispels darkness.
Through God’s Word we are able to see that the Light (capital L) has come into the world. His name is Jesus. But His light has implications for us far beyond the Baby in the manger. The Bible calls Jesus the “Sun (S-U-N) of righteousness” who has “healing rays” of light (Mal. 4:2); He is also called the “bright morning star” (Rev. 22:16).
One day, Christ will return, and there will be a final great sunrise. The book of Revelation says there will be “no need of sun or moon . . . for the glory of God gives it light” (21:23). Can you imagine it? No more darkness. Only eternal, brilliant, glorious light!
In the meantime, Jesus lives in us and shines through us to this dark world.
With Seeking Him, I’m Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.