Have You Prayed About It?
Woman: Oh, the budget! That word brings a shudder to our household!
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth: You’ve got to admit that many of us women are born fixers. We like to take matters into our own hands.
Woman: We’ve bought budgeting software; we’ve enrolled in a class; we’ve read every book!
Nancy: We fret and worry and demand solutions. But in the process, we often forget that prayer may be the best thing we can do. As James 4:2 says, “You have not because you ask not.”
Woman: It’s just so real—just bring it back home.
Nancy: So often I forget to ask the Lord for help until I’ve exhausted all my own ideas. I have a little plaque on my desk that has a great reminder. It says, “Have you prayed about it?”
What challenge are you facing today? Something you’re worried about. Let me ask you the same question. Have you prayed about it?
With Seeking Him, I’m Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.