Revive Our Hearts Podcast

Leslie Basham: Pam Vuke was devastated when her husband confessed his use of pornography.

Tony Vuke: Well, I had come home from a church service and told Pam, confessed to her my struggles with pornography. That was ten years into our marriage and eight years after we were Christians.

Leslie: Can a marriage be restored after this kind of prolonged betrayal?

This is Revive Our Hearts with Nancy Leigh DeMoss for Tuesday, July 23.

Nancy: Well, if you weren't with us yesterday on Revive Our Hearts, you'll want to go back to our website and pick up the audio version or the transcript of yesterday's program because we're talking with a couple who are new friends of mine. I had a chance recently to hear their story and so wanted to share it with our Revive Our Hearts listeners. We introduced yesterday Tony and Pam Vuke, and we're picking …

About the Teacher

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth has touched the lives of millions of women through two nationally syndicated radio programs heard each day—Revive Our Hearts and Seeking Him. Her books have sold more than five million copies. Through her writing, podcasts, … read more …