Revive Our Hearts Podcast

Leslie Basham: In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus asked, “Why do you call Me Lord yet you don’t do what I say?” Andrea Griffith says that’s still an important question.

Andrea Griffith: I think if Jesus showed up in our churches today, that would be the same thing He would be saying to us.

Leslie: This is Revive Our Hearts with Nancy Leigh DeMoss for Wednesday, April 29, 2015.

Nancy Leigh DeMoss: This week we’re going to hear the story of a young woman who appeared to be a model churchgoer. Yet eventually her actions caught up with her sinful heart. I believe the story we’re going to hear over the next few days will provide hope for anyone who is struggling with bitterness or with guilt over sins of their past.

We’re going to listen to a message from my friend Andrea Griffith. Andrea served for several years …

About the Teacher

Andrea Griffith

Andrea Griffith is speaker and writer with FamilyLife. Prior to that, she was a pastor’s wife and conference speaker for Life Action Ministries. She has ministered to women in hundreds of local churches and spoken at national conferences where she … read more …