Revive Our Hearts Ambassadors Make Christ’s Name Known

Woman with Bible smiling

Perhaps you know the scene: Joshua and the Israelites entered into battle against Amalek. Meanwhile, Moses, Aaron, and Hur gathered on top of a hill, where Moses held up the Lord’s staff in his hand. Whenever his hand was lifted in the air, Israel prevailed in the fighting, and whenever he let his hand down, Amalek would overcome. Moses’ hand became heavy. Aaron and Hur didn’t let him bear that weight alone.

Then Aaron and Hur supported his hands, one on one side and one on the other so that his hands remained steady until the sun went down. So Joshua defeated Amalek and his army with the sword. (Ex. 17:12–13)

Leaders need others to come alongside them. Revive Our Hearts Ambassadors are women who serve behind the scenes—who “hold up the arms” of other leaders, encourage, and pray for them.

These women are passionate about making the name of Jesus known as revival spreads within local churches. Ministry is challenging in many ways; Ambassadors step in to help women’s ministry leaders and pastors’ wives stay the course.

Are you a leader who resonates with this calling? Become an Ambassador with Revive Our Hearts.

If you . . .

• Long to cheer other leaders on in their areas of ministry

• Have been impacted by the teaching of Revive Our Hearts

• Can commit to serving ten hours a month

• Want to spend this season of your life pouring into other leaders

• Live in the United States or Canada

. . . visit We’re excited for the Lord to raise up women who will declare His name as they connect, encourage, and equip leaders to build up the Body of Christ.

About the Author

Micayla Brickner

Micayla Brickner

Micayla Brickner serves on staff with Revive Our Hearts and loves encouraging others with the truth and wonder of the gospel. She is a big fan of chasing sunrises, sharing conversations over coffee, and finding joy in everyday moments. Micayla … read more …