Sharing the Light: Shining the Spotlight on Ambassadors

Have you ever found yourself stumbling through a pitch dark room? You try to make sense of shapes around you, but the darkness is as thick as if your eyes were closed. Blindly reaching for anything to help guide your steps, you know that just a sliver of light to break the darkness is all you need.

For women’s ministry leaders, seasons of darkness, loneliness, and discouragement are not uncommon. While they sometimes pave the way through the darkness, women’s ministry leaders don’t have to go the path alone. Revive Our Hearts Ambassadors are passionate about the ministry of Revive Our Hearts, and they sense a deep call to support women’s ministry leaders (WMLs)—Bible study leaders, women’s ministry directors, small group leaders, pastor’s wives, etc. As these leaders serve women wholeheartedly, Ambassadors step in to:

• Cheer them on as they help women thrive in Christ.

• Equip them with resources.

• Provide a safe place for vulnerability and sharing.

• Seek the Lord with them and on their behalf in prayer.

• Lift up their arms as they press on in the daily duties of ministry.

• Connect with leaders and connect leaders to each other. One ambassador recently shared her experience:

"Whatever I pour out in their lives does not compare to the fullness of joy God gives me in serving them. I am sharpened by these women and the wisdom from God's Word that they live out. The friendships I have made are lifelong; it is simply a gift from the Lord. We are sisters pressing on to know and follow the Lord and seek His glory." ~Anne

On the Journey Together

Ambassadors connect with women’s ministry leaders without seeking anything in return. From celebrating with leaders to meeting them in lonely places, ambassadors link arms with leaders to maneuver together the ups and downs of women’s ministry. One women’s ministry leader sent this text to her ambassador, Jessica:

"I was really down last week! I pretty much stayed home in my sweatcloths with no makeup and didn't even talk to anyone! I needed the time to reboot and refocus on prayer. It was like I had some kind of angst that I couldn't shake. When you sent me the text that you were thinking of me, I cried! I thank you for thinking of me and letting me know that you do!" ~Renee

If you lead women in any capacity and push through the dark to serve them well, connect with an ambassador in your area today. Let the Lord use them as a beam of light on your journey as you share His light with women in your life.

Micayla Brickner

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