Leadership Resources: Revival

A Call to Revival

Bill Elliff

Pastor Bill Elliff looks at the serious needs of our world today and explains why revival represents true hope.

A Highway for Our God

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Nancy describes the comfort God provides His people when they’re reeling from the challenges of life.

A Skeptic’s Cry for Revival

Laura Elliott

Do you neglect to pray for revival because you don’t believe it could actually happen?

A Vision for Revival

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Various people use the term “revival” to mean different things. But understanding true revival is important.

Common Questions Asked About Revival

Revive Our Hearts Staff Writers

Answers to common questions we receive at Revive Our Hearts about revival.

Fighting the Epidemic of Me, Myself, and I

Stacey Salsbery

If we could find satisfaction in self-gain, the Bible would have encouraged us to put our own needs first.

How to Cry Out wth Passion, Power, and Faith

Byron Paulus

Bryon shares about prayer—the one hope for revival.

I Have a Dream . . .

Bill Elliff

I dream of a mighty spiritual movement in this nation. Something that history would record—not just in human writing, but in heavenly records.

OneCry: A Nationwide Call for Spiritual Awakening

Life Action Ministries

OneCry is a nationwide call for spiritual awakening, a cry to the Lord to manifest His glory and work with extraordinary power

Seeking Him (Twelve-Part Series)

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Are you seeking Him with intensity? Discover the joys and benefits of seeking God.

Seeking the Lord for Spiritual Awakening

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Nancy shows you what it means to seek the Lord and then explains how to seek the Lord more fervently.

When Do We Need Revival?

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Evaluate what you really love with the help of these 40 evidences.

When God Revives a Heart, with Richard Owen Roberts

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

How do you know that you’ve truly encountered God? Richard Owen Roberts joins Nancy to discuss the marks of genuine revival.

When Revival Comes

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Hear dramatic accounts of how God has intervened in some of the darkest moments of history to call people into the Kingdom.