Marriage Panel: Truth and Hope for Hurting Marriages

October 10, 2014 Vicki Rose speaking at Marriage Panel: Truth and Hope for Hurting Marriages, Leslie Bennett speaking at Marriage Panel: Truth and Hope for Hurting Marriages, Holly Elliff speaking at Marriage Panel: Truth and Hope for Hurting Marriages, Kimberly Wagner speaking at Marriage Panel: Truth and Hope for Hurting Marriages

Whether your marriage is suffering or you desire to minister to those in difficult marriages, you’ll receive encouragement and biblical counsel from four women who understand. Be renewed with hope as we cling to the truth and grace of our great redeeming God!


Leslie Bennett: Well, I can't think of any other ladies that I would want speaking into my life than these three ladies that are seated here at our panel. And they are so full of wisdom and experience. Each one has a very special personal desire to minister to you. So I'm just going to ask each one just to introduce herself and then just to share a little bit of her heart with you. So starting with Holly.

Holly Elliff: My name is Holly Elliff. I have been married to my husband, Bill, for forty-two years. He's a pastor in Little Rock, Arkansas. We have eight children and are working on grandbabies number eight and nine. So my life is full of a lot of things. It's also full of a lot of women that I spend a lot of time with who are walking through deep places. And …

About the Speakers

Vicki Rose

Vicki Rose

Vicki is a strong Bible teacher with a relevant, life-changing message. She was born and raised in New York City and upon graduating from Sarah Lawrence College in 1975, Vicki began her retail career at Saks Fifth Ave and went on to marry Bill Rose in 1977. Vicki accepted Christ through an outreach dinner at age thirty-five and became a passionate follower of Jesus Christ with a deep hunger for His word. As Vicki began to pray for her husband to also know Christ, her heart toward him changed and they were reconciled after he accepted Christ.

Leslie Bennett

Leslie Bennett

Leslie Bennett has led Women’s Ministry in two local churches, and serves on the Revive Our Hearts ministry team. She connects with women’s leaders around the world in the Revive Our Hearts Leader Facebook Group and as host of online training events. A teacher at heart, she is devoted to training and discipling the next generation to treasure Christ above all. Leslie and her husband Mac live in S.C. where she loves spending time with family, and admiring Lowcountry sunsets.

Holly Elliff

Holly Elliff

Holly has been married to her high school sweetheart, Bill, for nearly fifty years. She has been a pastor's wife since she was twenty and has eight married children and twenty-five grandkids. Her life experiences have enabled her to share with women of all ages the reality of God’s sufficient grace for every step of their journey, and she is frequently featured on Revive Our Hearts programs and conferences.

Kimberly Wagner

Kimberly Wagner

Kimberly Wagner is the author of Fierce Women: The Power of a Soft Warrior and is a frequent guest on Revive Our Hearts radio program, as well as a regular contributor to the blog. Kimberly's passion is Christ and she desires to ignite in women a pursuit of God's glory. She enjoys sharing with women and hearing from them about what God is doing in thier lives.