Walking with God as a young woman in today’s world can be tough. Revive Our Hearts is here to help! Through articles, podcasts, videos, and more, you’ll learn how to fight lies with God’s truth and live out the beauty of the gospel. As you explore resources on topics such as God, guys, family, and friendship, you will discover how you can hold fast to biblical truth and how you can hold even tighter to Jesus.
October 10, 2008
Teen Track—Covenant Sexuality
Dannah Gresh
Dannah Gresh addresses the lies about guys, myself, and the future in the Teen Track.
Teen Track—Lies About the Future
Dannah Gresh
God loves you, and He wants to love others through you.
Teen Track—Lies About Myself
Dannah Gresh
God says I'm fearfully and wonderfully made. God says He's held captive by my beauty.
Teen Track—Truth or Bare
Dannah Gresh
There is one topic that pushes a lot of hot buttons, more than any other topic—modesty.
March 26, 2010
Lies Young Women Believe Teen Track—Myself
Erin Davis
The single issue of beauty, which is really an issue of understanding your worth, is the most important thing that we could talk about.
Lies Young Women Believe Teen Track—A Godly Man
Dannah Gresh, Keith & Kristyn Getty
A Godly Man - Teen Track - Chattanooga
Lies Young Women Believe Teen Track—Sexuality
Dannah Gresh
Lies Young Women Believe Teen Track—Sexuality
Lies Young Women Believe Teen Track—The Future
Dannah Gresh
The root of all the lies that you believe about guys and anything else in your life is desire.
September 24, 2010
Lies Young Women Believe Teen Track—The Future
Dannah Gresh
Delight yourself in the Lord—remember, to delight yourself is to dwell on something until it becomes a desire.
Lies Young Women Believe Teen Track—A Godly Man
Dannah Gresh
Lies Young Women Believe Teen Track - Indianapolis
Lies Young Women Believe Teen Track—Sexuality
Dannah Gresh
As a covenant relationship, God says that sex is an unbreakable bond.
October 15, 2010
Lies Young Women Believe Teen Track—Sexuality
Dannah Gresh
Will you be part of an army of young men and young women across this nation that reclaims God’s gift of sexuality and its definition?
Lies Young Women Believe Teen Track—Myself
Erin Davis
Read God’s Word and believe what it says about you and stop being caught up in worldly beauty because it doesn’t serve you.
Lies Young Women Believe Teen Track—The Future
Dannah Gresh
Dannah Gresh wants to share with you some deep thoughts about lies we believe about guys.
September 21, 2012
Teen Track: God Is Not Enough (Lie #1)
Erin Davis
Erin reveals that sometimes our quest for seeking Him is blocked, but we don't know why. At the root of our struggle, we are often embracing lies.
Teen Track: Barriers to Seeking Him (Lie #2)
Dannah Gresh
Dannah reveals that sometimes our quest for seeking Him is blocked, but we don't know why. At the root of our struggle, we are often embracing lies.
October 10, 2014
Teen Track #1: Four Evidences of Spiritual Freedom
Dannah Gresh
Teen Track #2: Taking the First Step to Freedom
Dannah Gresh
Teen Track #4: Ditching Dead Fish
Erin Davis
If you want to live a safe life, you cannot live a sent life.
September 28, 2018
Four Evidences of Spiritual Freedom (Teen Session)
Dannah Gresh
Four Evidences of Spiritual Freedom (Teen Session)
The Truth about Relationships (Teen Session)
Betsy Gómez
The Truth About Relationships (Teen Session)