Daily Reflections

Where Was God?

February 19, 2021 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

The Lord preserves all who love him, but all the wicked he will destroy. —Psalm 145:20

When King Xerxes searched for a new queen, he hosted a beauty pageant of sorts. Instead of glamorous contenders answering questions about world peace, however, these contestants were forced to spend the night with him.

We tend to romanticize this passage, but in reality, this was an evil and degrading system that treated women as property.

Where was God in all of this? And where is He today when men objectify women?

God is always at work in every place, even in a pagan king’s harem. While Esther wasn’t rescued out of this oppressive system, in God’s Providence, she “gained favor” before the king. God was working in Esther’s circumstances to bring about judgment on the wicked as well as salvation for His people.

One day, our broken, fallen world will be done away with, and all things will be made new. In the meantime, God is always attentive to His children, redeeming and bringing about His kingdom purposes—in His way and in His time.

Make it Personal

Where do you struggle to see God’s hand working today? Pray for His judgment on evil and His salvation for those who are hurting.