Daily Reflections

When You Walk through the Fire

November 5, 2023 Elba de Reyes

The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. —Psalm 28:7

Most of the time crises in our lives take us without warning. They rock our world and test our faith. They can be so varied, but they all have something in common: they are instruments in God’s hands to shape our character so that we can become more like Christ.

The important thing is not what you go through but how you go through it. It is not what you suffer but how you decide to live in that time while God seeks to purify you (Mal. 3:3).

The path of suffering is uncomfortable and unwanted. It’s the place from which we want to flee, but many times it’s through the fire of pain that God molds us into the image of His Son.

Have you been or are you there? This experience is common to all His children. But we can hold on to the truth that our God reigns in the midst of every situation we experience, and He allows them for our good and for His glory.


“Considering How We Walk” (Mujer Verdadera blog at AvivaNuestrosCorazones.com)

Scripture taken from The CSB

Make it Personal

How have you seen God’s goodness in your life in the midst of suffering?