Daily Reflections

Treasure God’s Word

January 23, 2024 Portia Collins

I have treasured your word in my heart so that I may not sin against you. —Psalm 119:11

This past year, I participated in a 30-day Bible reading challenge. One thing I learned is that we must treasure God’s Word and store it in our hearts. Sometimes we (and by we, I mean I) can be deluded of our propensity to sin, especially if we’ve been believers for a while.

As I’ve genuinely meditated on and stored up God’s Word in my heart, He has been kind to convict me of things I’ve ignored or been oblivious to in the past. As I grow in treasuring God’s Word, I also grow more aware of the sinfulness of my own heart.

But even amid our brokenness and sinfulness, God is faithful. He continues to patiently guide and chasten us in the most loving way. He has given us His Word to read, learn, meditate on, and memorize to deter us from sin. He has given us His Son to atone for sin. And we have the indwelling of His Spirit to strengthen us for this excellent work that He has called us to.


Portia Collins, Instagram, www.instagram.com/portiawcollins

Scripture taken from The CSB

Make it Personal

How can you choose to treasure God’s Word today?