Daily Reflections

Today's Choices Matter

June 7, 2022 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Only Joshua son of Nun and Caleb son of Jephunneh remained alive of those men who went to scout out the land. —Numbers 14:38

When Caleb and Joshua chose to go against the Israelites, they had no way of knowing how crucial their response was, both in the immediate and long term. They simply followed God, even when it went against the tide of public opinion.

Joshua’s willingness to stand against the unbelieving majority was further preparation for his ultimate calling to lead God’s people into the Promised Land. His faith and courage were evidence of his fitness for such a leadership role, even though he wouldn’t be given that mantle for another forty years.

My willingness to believe God and walk in faith now in things that don’t seem like a big deal are indicators of where my heart will be later in life. I can’t walk in fear, disobedience, or half-hearted devotion to Christ now and hope that one day I will be godly and courageous or that I will fulfill my God-given destiny. The choices I make now matter both for today and in the future.

Make it Personal

Pray that the choices you make now would lay a foundation for a lifetime of walking by faith.