Daily Reflections

The Word of Devotion

April 9, 2022 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple he loved . . . he said to his mother, “Woman, here is your son.” Then he said to the disciple, “Here is your mother.” —John 19:26–27

Life takes us through stages and seasons where present sources of provision and comfort are removed from us. History suggests that by the time Jesus was crucified, Mary was already a widow following the earlier death of Joseph. She was now being separated from her beloved son who would have been expected to assume responsibility for her needs.

And yet as He was preparing to leave this earth, Christ made provision for her care and covering, not, as might have been expected, through other blood relatives but through a bloodline of faith that was even stronger and more enduring.

You may be concerned about how your needs will be met as you age, about whether your money will hold out, or whether your children will be there to help you. You can be assured that through Christ, your needs will be fully met. Through His people, you will never lack for true “family.”

Make it Personal

As you look around, what needs might Christ want to meet through you—particularly for other believers in need of “family” connections?