Daily Reflections

The Word of Assurance

avril 8, 2022 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

“Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.” —Luke 23:43

The day Jesus was nailed on a cross between two thieves, the Bible says both of them “taunted him” (Matt. 27:44). And then something unexplainable happened. One suddenly rebuked the other (Luke 23:40–41). He saw his own sins for what they were and this Man next to him for who He was. He had been given the ability to issue a desperate cry of faith: “Jesus, remember me” (v. 42).

In this account, we see how grace works and the wonder of the gospel on display. For thieves and criminals. For doctors and lawyers. For you and me. We didn’t choose God; He chose us. For that reason, we can face death with the confidence we will be with Him “in paradise.”

Jesus had told His disciples that He would come to take them home with Him. And now this promise even included a dying thief without a single good deed to his name. Heaven is the gift of God for all who believe and receive Christ’s death on the cross.

Make it Personal

Do you have friends and loved ones who continue to reject Christ’s forgiveness? Ask for opportunities to share the gospel with them