Daily Reflections

The Lord’s House

June 21, 2022 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

In your presence is abundant joy. —Psalm 16:11

David’s one request to God was to dwell in His house all the days of David’s life. As children of God that should be our desire as well. But if we want to live there, we need to understand what God’s house is like.

First, God’s house is holy. So, to live there means we live in an atmosphere of holiness. We won’t enjoy sin or even tolerate it because there’s no sin there.

Psalm 16 also tells us that there is “abundant joy” in God’s presence. To say we want to live in the house of God is to want to be joyful believers, not always downcast or discouraged but to be joyful even when hard things are happening.

God is the Head of His house, so we need to be willing to live by the rules of His house, under His authority and His wisdom. We’re not the ones in charge; He is. We worship Him; we bow before Him; we surrender to Him. We’re willing to say, “Yes, Lord,” no matter what He asks of us.

Make it Personal

Ask God to give you a deeper understanding of what it means to live in His house.