Daily Reflections

The End of the Story

March 29, 2022 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ! —1 Corinthians 15:57

The city of Babylon was powerful, wealthy, and popular. But it was also characterized by pride, greed, and sexual immorality. Whether literal or symbolic, Babylon is an anti-God system that torments those who follow Christ, backed by Satan himself. We are in a cosmic battle.

Today it often seems that the godless powers are winning. Those powers may be nations, governments, neighbors, or individuals determined to undermine God’s rule and reign in the world. Or they may just be those enemies of God working within our own hearts, that anti-God attitude of, “I’ll have it my way!”

Wherever they may be found, the enemies of God and His people will not have the final word. This is not the end of the story. Yes, we’re in a battle, but we know who wins! That’s why when we feel like we’re caught in the crossfire, we need to keep our eyes on the outcome. That’s what will strengthen and encourage our hearts.

Make it Personal

How can you keep your focus on the final outcome of God’s victory rather than on the godless powers at work today?