Daily Reflections

The Big Picture

April 12, 2023 Portia Collins

All Scripture is inspired by God. —2 Timothy 3:16

I can remember reading my Bible and seeing each person, scene, and book as mismatched pieces to a weird puzzle. I couldn’t see the big picture because I was focused on what the Bible meant for me. It wasn’t until I saw the big picture that my life began to change.

The Bible, in its entirety, is a book about God and His relationship with His people. Every piece fits into one of four categories:

• Creation: God is the Creator of all things and specifically created humans in His image with the intent that we live in fellowship with Him.
• Fall: Humanity disobeyed God and sinned against Him, affecting all creation.
• Redemption: God has provided a way to be saved, forgiven, and restored to fellowship with Him through the death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus.
• Consummation: Jesus will return to earth one day to gather His followers unto Himself and to consummate the New Kingdom where sin, death, and evil will be no more.

Once you see the Bible’s big picture, nothing in your life will remain the same.

Make it Personal

As you read the Bible today, make note of how what you’re reading fits into one of the four categories above.