Daily Reflections

Taste and See That He Is Good

April 20, 2022 Erin Davis

Taste and see that the Lord is good. —Psalm 34:8

Have you ever wondered why food is involved in so many of our best memories and most cherished relationships? Have you ever considered if that’s by design instead of by default? God never just fills our bellies. He fills our homes. He fills our hearts.

When David wanted to express his gratitude for God’s blessings, he used food as a frame of reference. He could have said, “Look and see that the Lord is good” or “Listen and see that the Lord is good.” But David chose our sense of taste.

In Psalm 103, David again used eating imagery to remind us of God’s blessings: “He satisfies you with good things; your youth is renewed like the eagle” (v. 5).

Satisfaction. Renewed energy. These are the benefits of food. What if each bite is a missionary, sent to remind us of who He is and what He has done?

Food is a blessing from God, a gift graciously provided so that we might taste and see that He is good.

Make it Personal

Ask the Lord to use the food that you taste to help you see that He really is good.