Daily Reflections

Preparing for the Wedding

September 6, 2020 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

So that [Jesus] might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. —Ephesians 5:27

Imagine you’re sitting in a beautifully decorated church. The groom is up front. The bridesmaids walk down the aisle. Then the bride comes running in wearing curlers and sweatpants! “I’m soooo sorry,” she wails. “I forgot what today was!”

What bride has ever forgotten her wedding day or not actively prepared for it? However, among many Christians today we observe an even greater absurdity.

The Bible calls the Church the Bride of Christ. One day Jesus will return for His Bride, taking her to His home that He’s preparing. But many Christians live like they’ve forgotten all about it.

In one sense, revival could be defined as “the bride getting ready for the wedding”! It is the Church (which includes every true believer) pre- paring to meet her Bridegroom by becoming holy—cleansed of all that defiles. If this is the intent of our Savior for His Bride, shouldn’t it also be the lifelong focus and motivation of every child of God?

Make it Personal

How important is “getting ready for the wedding” in your thinking and daily life? What would it take for you to be ready?