Daily Reflections

Over the Flood

December 5, 2021 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

The Lord sits enthroned over the flood; the Lord sits enthroned as king forever. —Psalm 29:10

When King David experienced the chaos of a flood in Psalm 29, he reminded himself of an important truth: the Lord sits enthroned over the flood.

God is sitting. He isn’t running around heaven panic-stricken or pacing the celestial halls. He isn’t saying, “What am I going to do?” or “Who can I get to help?” There’s no panic in heaven. The Lord is calmly sitting down.

And where is He sitting? He’s on His throne, which is over the flood. He’s not under the flood, getting buried by these circumstances. He’s not being overwhelmed by the things that are overwhelming us.

The phrase “The Lord sits enthroned” is repeated twice in these verses for emphasis so we get the picture that in a world of instability and uncertainty, one thing is certain: God is on His throne. He is the King of kings and Lord of lords. He is the One who is crowned over whatever type of flood you may be facing.

Make it Personal

Thank God that He is in charge of whatever flood you’re facing and that He has it under control.