Daily Reflections

Our Shepherd

November 21, 2021 Dámaris Carbaugh

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. —Psalm 23:1

In Psalm 23, we’re told right off the bat that our Good Shepherd (Jesus) is everything we will ever need. If we have Him, then we’re good.

The psalm goes on to say that our Shepherd “makes us, leads us, restores us.” He does all of this; we don’t do any of it, because sometimes we cannot make ourselves rest when we need rest. We don’t always know which way to go or what we should do. In all those instances, Jesus says if we let Him be our Shepherd, He will lead us.

Even in those times when we don’t think we can survive the circumstance we’re going through—when we walk through the valley of the shadow of death—He’s walking with us. He’s beside us and He will bring us out. And He promises that goodness and mercy will follow.

Psalm 23 has it all. Jesus our Shepherd leads us and gets us through. He’s behind us; He’s before us. He’s everything we need.

Make it Personal

Read Psalm 23, praying it back to the Lord and praising Him that He is your Good Shepherd.