Daily Reflections

Our Relationship with the Father

September 12, 2022 Laura Booz

As for me, God’s presence is my good. —Psalm 73:28

Imagine a father who brings his children to a playground. They climb and swing while their dad watches with a smile. Then suddenly, the playground disappears.

The kids wonder what happened. But then they turn and see their dad. Just one look at him and they remember they’re part of a bigger world than the playground—their father’s world. Relieved, they run to him, remembering who they are and whose they are. Their relationship with their father defines and steadies them.

You and I are like those kids. Sometimes we don’t realize how distracted we are with tasks, accomplishments, relationships, and activities. It’s helpful to remember that our heavenly Father is with us. He is our identity, our value, our purpose in life. He is our very present help in times of trouble and the lover of our souls. He created us and is acquainted with all our ways.

Throughout Scripture, we see God beckoning people to be with Him. He does the same with you, saying, “You are my child and I love you. Let’s spend time together.”

Make it Personal

How does your relationship with God define your identity? How does it bring stability to your everyday life?