Daily Reflections

Our Dangerous Savior

septembre 7, 2023 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

You come out to save your people, to save your anointed. You crush the leader of the house of the wicked and strip him from foot to neck. —Habakkuk 3:13

The preceding verses describe the vengeful ways of God. This is not all there is to Him, of course, but we would not be taking in the fullness of God’s character if we disregarded His vengeance. Using the imagery of arrows, chariots, writhing mountains, and raging waters, the prophet describes God moving against the enemies of His people.

And here is the thing we must never forget: when God acts against the wicked it is for the purpose of saving the righteous. In His wrath there is always mercy (Hab. 3:2). He goes out not only for wrath but ultimately for mercy. He defeats the wicked to rescue the righteous— which is why it is never necessary or appropriate for the righteous to seek revenge, even in the smallest matters. God determines what to do and when.

Yes, God is dangerous. But not to the righteous. To them He is Savior and Protector.
Habakkuk: Moving from Fear to Faith (Revive Our Hearts series)

Scripture is taken from the CSB.

Make it Personal

Give thanks today to God, your Protector. Then ask Him to clear your heart of any desire for revenge you may be holding onto.