Daily Reflections

Only One Place to Run

July 13, 2022 Betsy Gómez

God proves his own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. —Romans 5:8

Have you ever sinned in such a way that you don’t think you could ever be forgiven? You feel like a prisoner of that moment, and you hate yourself for what you did.

Your fault is much greater than you imagine, however, because it was not committed primarily against yourself. It was committed against God (Psalm 51:4). Instead of staying in the cave of your self-righteousness (Rom 3:10–11), you should run. But where can you run from the wrath of God?

There’s no way you can free yourself from the judgment of sin by your own efforts. You need help from God Himself. There’s only one place to run, and that’s to Jesus. He is the only solution for the sin that torments you. He casts out the guilty feelings and replaces them with genuine regret.

The next time you feel as if you can’t be forgiven, choose to throw away the self-righteous rags you wear and put on the righteousness of Christ instead (Rom. 5:1).

Make it Personal

Praise God that there’s no sin that can overcome the power of the blood of Jesus.