Daily Reflections

New Desires

September 20, 2023 Deborah Smith

Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires. —Psalm 37:4

Delight means to be greatly pleased, captivated, charmed, thrilled. Does that describe your relationship with Christ?

The fruit of being captivated by Him is that He will actually give you the things you desire. You will want new things . . . godly things . . . things that are consistent with the new person that the Holy Spirit is crafting. We will want things that the Lord would be pleased to give us.

That doesn’t mean we won’t ever be tempted with fleshly desires, because we will—we are still sinners. But the deepest desire of our hearts will be to please the Lord. We will resist the devil until he flees (James 4:7).

Beloved, we are walking with Jesus now. We are “dead to sin” and have different desires. What a beautiful reality—that as a Christian, we are dead to things that we used to live for. So, when the enemy tempts you with your old sin of choice, remember that you are dead to that. You are now free!
"New Hearts, New Desires, New Life" (ReviveOurHearts.com/blog)

Scripture is taken from the CSB.

Make it Personal

Pray that each day your desires would line up more with those of your heavenly Father.