Daily Reflections

He’s Interceding for Us

septembre 21, 2023 Portia Collins

[Jesus] is at the right hand of God and intercedes for us. —Romans 8:34

Sometimes we have the tendency to think that when Jesus came and lived His perfect life and then died for our sins, He did everything we would ever need Him to do. But we forget one more thing—when He ascended into heaven, enthroned as the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, He wasn’t just going for His royal realm; He is also acting as our great High Priest.

The chief function of our High Priest is to intercede for us daily before the Father (Heb. 7:25). Not only did He pray for His disciples in John 17 that they would never be snatched out of God’s hand, but He prays for us that we would be preserved. As R.C. Sproul said, “My confidence in my preservation is not in my ability to persevere. My confidence rests in the power of Christ to sustain me with His grace. It is confidence that, by the power of His intercession for us, He is going to bring us safely through.” 1

1 R.C. Sproul, “Perseverance of the Saints,” www.ligonier.org/learn/ series/what-is-reformed-theology/perseverance-of-the-saints, accessed March 27, 2023.
Portia Collins, Instagram, www.instagram.com/portiawcollins

Scripture is taken from the ESV.


Make it Personal

How does knowing that Jesus is interceding for you on a daily basis encourage you in your faith?