Daily Reflections

An Admission of Weakness

October 24, 2020 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

For though the Lord is high, he regards the lowly, but the haughty he knows from afar. —Psalm 138:6

I once talked with a group of full-time Christian workers on the topic, “Potential Pitfalls of Ministry.” I was tempted to try and protect my image—to leave people with the impression that I had somehow avoided all those pitfalls and that they were the ones who needed the message.

The reality was I felt exhausted, burnt out, and not very qualified to speak. I had cried out to God, admitting my weakness and asking for His strength. He graciously gave it. And I had to admit that I needed this message as much as anyone. As a speaker, I needed to be honest about my own weakness and my need for God’s grace.

In anything we do, if we want God’s favor and help, our attitude needs to reflect humility and brokenness.

Do you wonder why God sometimes seems so far away? Could it be that He has withdrawn His presence and is resisting you because of lingering pride in your heart?

Make it Personal

Are you humble in front of others and able to admit your weaknesses? Ask God to help your attitude to be one of humility.