Daily Reflections

A Masterpiece

January 17, 2021 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

He chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. —Ephesians 1:4

Many people today are desperately seeking affirmation. It’s as if they’re trying to balance the scales of the negative input they’ve received in the past. But in most cases, no amount of affirmation can outweigh those hurtful expressions. Why? Because they’re letting others determine their worth.

Jesus was rejected by men—those He had created for Himself, those He loved and for whom He laid down His life. But that’s not what determined His value. He was chosen by God; that’s what made Him precious and determined His worth.

It’s conceivable that someone who didn’t appreciate fine art would toss a masterpiece into the trash. But that wouldn’t change its value. Its true worth would be seen when an art collector spotted it and cherished it as a masterpiece.

When God sent Jesus to this earth to bear our sin on the cross, He declared the value of our souls to be greater than the value of the whole world. Whose opinion are you going to accept?

Make it Personal

Read through Ephesians 1, and write down everything that God says about who you are in Christ. What does it say about your worth