Daily Reflections

On the Lookout

February 8, 2021 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

I will take my stand at my watchpost and station myself on the tower, and look out to see what he will say to me. —Habakkuk 2:1

A young teenager was struggling with doubt, wondering about her salvation. After talking with her mother, she tried unsuccessfully to fall asleep. She remembers going to her mom’s room around 2 a.m. “When I opened her bed- room door,” she recalled, “I found her kneeling beside her bed. I knew she was talking to the Father about me.”

Years later this woman called Revive Our Hearts to give a tribute to her mother. She reported, “I found a solid, sure understanding of God and the confidence that I was His child.”

The concern of a mom who would kneel by her bed in the middle of the night is similar to that of the prophet Habakkuk, who was burdened for the spiritual well-being of his people. Habakkuk was not just on the lookout for dangers that could threaten his people’s future. He was on his post, watching for God. He was waiting to hear from the only One who could truly help.

Make it Personal

Be a watchpost for your family and friends today by praying for their spiritual needs.