Daily Reflections

Light in Darkness

September 25, 2022 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Do not be conquered by evil, but conquer evil with good. —Romans 12:21

The circumstances in life that seem messy right now can actually prove to be a season of great gospel opportunity. That’s why we shouldn’t despair. Because as dark as it gets, God is on His throne accomplishing His purposes.

The world desperately needs the people of God to be light in the darkness. Our calling as Christians right now isn’t to curse the darkness but to turn on the light, to point people to Jesus.

Light overwhelms darkness. There is a time to expose deception and darkness, but we have far too few of us turning on the light, overcoming evil with good—not by being angry or contentious. That’s just acting like the rest of the world. Instead, we are called to be a light to the world.

The problems we’re facing won’t be solved by any political party, science, or human efforts. These are problems that require divine intervention. This is a time for us to cry out to the Lord and pray as we’ve never prayed before.

Make it Personal

What are some practical ways that you can choose to be a light in the darkness of our world right now?