Daily Reflections

In Christ Alone

August 12, 2022 Portia Collins

God proves his own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. —Romans 5:8

Since the fall of man, we’ve been a rebellious people. We’ve broken the laws of God in ways unimaginable. We rightfully deserve death. But God, in His brilliance, executed the perfect plan of justice and mercy. The cross is where God’s love and justice meet. In Christ, the full penalty of sin was paid. And simultaneously, all who believe were imputed true righteousness and placed in right standing before God.

There’s nothing we could have done or can do to justify ourselves before God. It’s only through Christ’s righteousness that we’re reconciled to Him. Christ’s atoning work on the cross was sufficient, substantial, and satisfactory. He took on the full wrath of God and received the full measure of punishment for sin on our behalf. And in the most merciful way, He clothed us in righteousness and placed us in right standing before God. God saved us! We can fully trust that His way of saving us is sufficient and satisfactory. Praise be to God for His grace and mercy!

Make it Personal

Ask God to help you see Christ’s atoning work on the cross with a deeper understanding.