Daily Reflections

If Only

December 21, 2023 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

In any and all circumstances I have learned the secret of being content. —Philippians 4:12

Over the years, I’ve grown to realize that contentment is a choice. True joy isn’t the result of having everything I want but of gratefully receiving exactly what God has given me. The enemy has robbed many of us of our joy by getting us to live in that foolish realm of “if only.” “

If only I had a husband.” “If only I didn’t have a husband!” “If only we had children.” “If only we didn’t have so many children.” “If only I had a different job.” “If only I lived in a different place.” “If only I could own a home.” “If only our winters weren’t so long. . . .”

The fact is that if we’re not content with what we have, we will never be content with what we think we want. The key to joyous living is to embrace the will of God and to receive with gratitude the gifts He chooses to give us in each season of life.


The Quiet Place: DailyDevotional Readings ©2012 Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Scripture taken from The CSB

Make it Personal

Can you identify any areas of discontent that may be robbing you of the ability to fully enjoy what God has given you?