Daily Reflections

Hope Forevermore

August 5, 2020 Erin Davis

O Israel, hope in the Lord from this time forth and forevermore. —Psalm 131:3

Light goes on forever. It’s true. A beam of light, if left uninterrupted will go on and on and on.

This little science nugget is a beautiful picture of what Christ has accomplished. Through His death on the cross, He paid the penalty for our sin. Through His resurrection, He triumphed over the death our sins well deserved.

Because of Jesus, our hope goes on forever and ever and ever.

Jesus is the reason we have True Hope. The empty tomb is the headwaters of hope. And True Hope will never cease to flow from the place where He died and rose to set us free.

Where can we turn when we feel hopeless? To the precious Word of God which ever reminds us that “they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength” (Isa. 40:31).

I don’t know what lies around the corner for you. I can’t promise tomorrow won’t bring its share of troubles. But I know we have unquenchable hope because Christ is ours (and we are His!) both now and forevermore.

Make it Personal

Are there any areas of life where you’re struggling to find hope? Ask the Lord to anchor you in His Truth.