Daily Reflections

Hope Beyond This Earth

November 14, 2022 Portia Collins

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is going to be revealed to us. —Romans 8:18

Do you know why Job was able to get through his many storms of life? It wasn’t because he had foreknowledge that God would restore everything to him. It wasn’t because someone had told him to “reach up and grab his blessing.” It wasn’t because he had a specific timeline on how long his suffering would last.

Job knew none of these things. But guess what he did know? Job knew that his earthly pain could never outweigh the eternal glory that is only experienced through God. He had a hope that exceeded earthly expectations. Job knew that God was the only true way of escape.

The suffering in this life is temporary. It may seem like forever, and it may hurt a lot. But I can assure you that those who truly trust in the Lord will one day see an eternal end to suffering, pain, death, and heartache. I am 100 percent sure of this.

Make it Personal

Thank God that as a follower of Christ, any suffering you experience is only temporary.